
what is gena?

It is a ready template to help you get strarted writting documentation as quick as possible.

It is built with Astro + tailwindCSS + mdx

getting started


Read the installation guide.

configuring the sidebar

the left sidebar is configuration is on the src/content.ts file.
edit the file in order to change the content of the sidebar.

// src/content.ts
export const sidebarStructure = [
    label: "Getting Started",
    children: [
        label: "introduction",
        path: "./docs/introduction",
        label: "installation",
        path: "./docs/installation",

configuring the right sidebar happens in the markdown/mdx file in the content folder.

example content/docs/introduction.mdx.

title: "Introduction"
outline: ["getting-started", "installation"]

rest of the markdown...

adding content

To add more content to the template, just add more markdown\mdx files to the content/docs directory.
The routing is done automatically by Astro, read about router here.


To change it from the docs directory you’ll have to change src/content.ts

export const docsDir = "docs";

deployment and build

static files are generated hence your docs can be deployed anywhere you want, read more here.

other helpful docs

  1. Astro
  2. tailwindcss
  3. mdx